Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pissed off Rant

You'll have to excuse me but this is just something I have to do. Back stories will follow as soon as i have the time.

My fiancee's brother lives with us. He's 16 years old and every now and then I just feel like I want to beat the crap out of him. Now, i'm not a violent person, only violent tendencies...maybe thats a sign that i need counseling. Her brother has anger problems and depression. What teenager these days doesn't right? Well, every now and then something will make him tick and he'll start cleaning the house and then he'll sort of yell at me for not doing anything around the house. I find this quite amusing yet appalling. Amusing because when I do my share of the house cleaning and ask him to help, he gives me a big attitude about it and it doesn't get done for another 3 days. Appalling because who the hell is he to tell ME that I need to clean the house. I pay the rent, not him. We let HIM live with US. Now tell me, who's right and who's wrong in this situation...cuz i'm dying to know!

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